Interview with the Founder of DesignSite
08/11/2009 05:27 PM Filed in: Podcast
Named by Graphic Design USA as "One of America's Six Leading Thinkers on New Media," Michael DeMartin has earned many awards, including the American Corporate Identity Award, a national honor. Prior to founding Designsite in 1999, Michael was a Senior Associate at DMCD, where he was responsible for communications programs for CBS, Panasonic, Pepsi, IBM, and The George Bush Presidential Library and Museum, among others.
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Interview with the Founder of
05/22/2009 11:03 PM Filed in: Radio
His vision from the beginning, explains Greg Selkoe, was selling authentic street culture on a website. He tells how he had to beg, borrow and work in the dark to get it done.
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Interview with President and COO of People Capital
03/06/2009 09:52 PM Filed in: Radio
Win win win is how Al Alper explains the possibilities for investors to finance college students. Hear how he is getting this business to take off.
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nterview with Founder and CEO of
02/27/2009 09:50 PM Filed in: Radio
From zero to seven figures of revenue in a year, Chris Cunningham tells about connecting social media such as Facebook and iPhone with brands and agencies.
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Interview with the Presidents of New Standard Institute
04/08/2008 06:38 PM Filed in: Podcast
Learn how to stay on top of maintenance and train your crew. These entrepreneurs offer free online training to augment their seminars.
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Interview with the Owner of AOC Fine Wines
03/31/2008 06:35 PM Filed in: Podcast
Listen to a lover of wine and provider of wine on-line. Emmanuel Dupuy d'Angeac treats the subject with "terroir", tradition, and respect.
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Interview with the Owner of Crayon
02/21/2008 05:21 PM Filed in: Podcast
Meet the founder of Crayon - a new marketing company. Our interview with Jaffe leads through his twisted ventures on the web. Listen for more!
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Interview with Founder of Spot On Networks
02/21/2008 05:19 PM Filed in: Podcast
Spot On partners with property developers and managers in a revenue sharing arrangement in selling high speed wireless Internet and Voice over Internet services to their tenants. Learn how this dynamic entrepreneur has grown this amazing business!
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Interview with a Regional Owner of True Presence
02/20/2008 05:18 PM Filed in: Podcast
This entrepreneur jumped shi the corporate world to start his own business. By purchasing a franchise from True Presence he's positioned himself to help small business owners grow their web presence. Learn about franchise experience!
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Interview with CEO of HealthDay
01/30/2008 05:06 PM Filed in: Podcast
Dan McKillen is the CEO of HealthDay. This company is a division of ScoutNews, LLC, a Norwalk, Conn.-based news and information company. HealthDay is in the news syndication business.
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Interview with Kindred Executive Office Services
04/21/2008 03:30 PM Filed in: Podcast
Holly Poney has just launched a virtual office management service and is off to a roaring start.
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